About The Compare

What We Do.

The Compare is the next generation hyper comparison and infographic engine. The Compare presents broad based, proprietary algorithms to deliver an intuitive data driven content and analytics platform.

Who We Are.

We are a group of like-minded folks in search of a big dream and we are privately funded. Our team is big where we need it most and small enough to fit comfortably inside a space shuttle (sure, we're rocket scientists), while keeping in mind the motivation to win is strong.

How We Do It.

We bring the power of big data on top of local and social layers, and break down data into several levels with extensive granularity. We don’t just provide data, but hyperdata and infographics. We've invented our cutting edge hyper Comparison Engine, built it from the idea of hyperdata.

Our Products

ComparisonEngine™ - Community-Powered Hyper Comparison Engine

InfographicEngine™ - Next Generation Data and Visualization Engine

Big Data . Big Local . Big Visualization